I have not received yet an answer to my query

× Important notice for all orders
Due to the high demand and the shortage of certain materials, all of our shipments are suffering delays. Please, we ask you to be patient, as we're working as fast as we can to dispatch pending orders. Remember: all our Display Frames are made to order, manufactured end-to-end in Barcelona, and some parts are completely handcrafted. You can check your order status here.

I have not received yet an answer to my query

23 Apr, 2021 3478 Announcements

Currently we're busier than ever preparing orders at the speed of light. And it can take some time to answer your queries.

If you have already contacted us and you have received an automatic response with a ticket id, it means that we have received your query and we are managing it.

In order to avoid possible mistakes or crossed messages, please don't send a new ticket. If you need to add any comment you can do it answering the ticket id email. 


If more than 15 days has gone since you've sent a query and you still don't have received an answer, probably our ticket system detected your message or email address as spam and applied a filter. You can send us a reminder here indicating you already have an opened ticket, and we'll check it.

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